
  +91 936 320 0885

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Employee Benefits Model Reports

Please find below US GAAP / FAS 158 Model Gratuity Report.

You may also refer to the article on how to read the actuarial valuation report to understand how the figures will impact a company's account statements.

Disclaimer: The sample/model actuarial valuation reports provided below are for educational and informational purposes only, and the accounts stated therein do not represent factual figures. Armstrong International and its affiliates do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the sample reports and its projections, in any form or nature, nor do we assume any kind of liability for the information contained in the sample reports, not are we responsible for any damages, losses or causes of action of any nature arising from any use of any of the sample documents or the provision of these sample documents.

+91 936 320 0885

+91 998 027 7885

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